Lesley Blanch

Agent: Joy Harris

Lesley Blanch was born in London in 1904. At heart a nomad, her lifelong passion has been for Russia, the Balkans and the Middle East. She has spent the greater part of her life traveling about those remote areas her books record so vividly. She states: "I have always had a strong appetite for life and for loving." A scholarly romantic, Lesley Blanch has influenced and inspired generations of writers, readers and critics. Her first book, The Wilder Shores Of Love, pioneered a new kind of group biography focusing on women escaping the boredom of convention, and has remained in print in English since original publication in 1954.

"There is something of a cult around Lesley Blanch.” - Joe Boyd for The Guardian

“Not a school, a trend, or a fashion, but a true original.” - Philip Mansel, author of Constantinople